Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Sea Urchins

Cover from the brilliant 'Solace'/'Please Rain Fall' single on Sarah Records.

Their first record release, the fabulous PRISTINE CHRISTINE is here:

The Sea Urchins Onstage
In concommitance with their unalloyed brilliance The Sea Urchins could be surly, arrogant, puffed chested little peacocks.  And my band, The Cudgels, were keenly jealous rivals, having schooled with them from a young age.  Which is part of what made them, and us, so good.  And also the reason I told their Guitarist Robert Cooksey where to go when he requested to borrow my VOX AC 30 amplifier as we prepared to share a stage with them one night at The COD Club in Birmingham sometime during 1987.  My attitude made him sulk, and he subsequently suggested my excellent piece of equipment was 'SHIT'. 

Meanwhile, back in our dressing room I recall my RICKENBACKER bass playing brother Stevie confiding quietly he'd be willing to use his fists upon the recalcitrant '60's throwback guitar noodler.  But I thought that was beneath us.   And consequently we blew them off the stage.  I ended up snogging a willowy blonde for ten minutes before our Dad picked us up in his royal blue Morris Marina. And we laughed at the Sea Urchins as they waited for the bus.

N.B. Robert Cooksey ended up as a Conjourers' Assistant. 

N.B.B.  The Sea Urchins made much better records than The Cudgels ever did.

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