An Insane War
The unfolding aggression against the independent North African state of Libya is a fundamental confirmation of the absolute illegitimacy of the International ruling class.
Their Morals - Not Ours: United Nations Middle East 'Peace Envoy' Blair on a Trade Mission to Libya |
As two-bob dictators across the Middle East are running out of post World War 2 political gas founded upon local fear and Western patronage, the increasingly impotent rulers of
Britain, United States and France find it convenient to kick at an open door in the oil rich state of
Libya. It is interesting to note that all of the UN abstainers in the overnight vote on military action now have expanding economies. The opposite is the case for the
'Coalition of the Willing' who are so suddenly in favour of toppling Colonel Gadaffi from power, in the name of Humanitarian Intervention. But ultimately, this conflict is all about geopolitical positioning in an era of great uncertainty for the international ruling class.
The ONLY people who can liberate Libya are Libyans:
They are fighting for Sovereign Democratic rights |
Cameron's British State Arming the Saudi Elite |
A matter of days ago the same political actors looked the other way when the ruling family in
Bahrain called upon their ruling class cousins in
Saudi Arabia to brutally squash a popular public insurrection by abject military force. And as things look increasingly uncertain for the know-nothing
Capitalist Clowns who run our daily
AUSTERITY SHOW at home, they have found an ideal excuse to divert popular attention away from their own illegitimacy as they attempt to puff their plumes on the world stage as pretend statesmen.
Never mind that
British Prime Minister David Cameron's failed trip to the Middle East most recently had him introducing arms dealers to military 'interim leaders' and Saudi princes, or the fact that the
Israeli ruling class branded him a bumbling diplomatic
President Sarkozy and Colonel Gadaffi |
Meanwhile, cheerleading
Militarist French President Nicholas Sarkozy is predicted to come in
THIRD place in his own forthcoming national election.
There will be much verbiage and hyperbole generated by the Laptop Bombardiers and IPAD Imperialists of the Liberal commentariat upon these matters.
But let Ghost of a Ne'er do Well be absolutely clear:
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