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Feel-Good Factor? |
The Conservative-Liberal Coalition government in Britain appears to be very adroit and fleet of foot at one thing only. That is in managing the process of the gradual decline of British capitalism and the influence of the British state in world affairs. This post-world war 2 process started in 1951 when the Egyptian government announced its’ intention to eject Britain from the Suez Canal Zone and take control of Sudan. And many more historical moments have taken place since then that have intensified the now almost complete process of imperial decline. Ghost of a Ne’er do Well will be alighting upon some of those events in due course.
Right now, the coalitions' attempts at instilling a feel-good factor into the general population have been courtesy of a visit from il Papa from the Church of Rome, a new baby for the rosy cheeked posh boy Prime Minister Cameron, the recent Royal Wedding of William Wales and Kate Middleton – and to trump it all a state visit by President Obama of the USA. But none of it has worked.
People in general are thoroughly pissed off with the status quo. And the general sense of ill ease and discombobulation is palpable across British Society. As I have argued earlier we face a thorough going crisis of ruling class legitimacy.
How much longer can this malaise continue?
Only as long as we want it to! There is a solution. And it is to be found in a rejeuvenated working class solidarity which rejects reforms and palliatives in order to keep us a bit sweeter in the short term. It also resides in a genuine desire to learn and to educate ourselves about the potential we have within us. We need not sell our bodies and mental capacities to mendacious capitalists. We can make the world for the majority and no longer be slaves to the wages system of production. Our common endeavour can create a democratic world society in which production will be based upon need and not elitist profit, we can abolish money and utilise the resources of the earth for the benefit of all, no matter how disempowered some of our fellow world citizens may seem to be today.
Rather than being acquiescent in a ruling class project which will only see us sink further into the gutter, let us look up at the stars and aspire to a new form of society in which hope trumps desperation and the World Socialist future is the only way forward for all of us.
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